Corporate Facility / Office Building

SecureTower® security guards are specially trained to be on high alert.

Security in corporate facilities pose a different kind of challenge for security professionals. With multitudes of people entering and exiting the facility at the same time, SecureTower® security guards are specially trained to be on high alert. They are trained to detect unauthorized individuals whose primary aim is to evade security and gain access to the facility, often with unholy intent.


Our security professionals are required to be highly visible at all times. As a result they act as a strong deterrent to bad actors.


Our primary duty is to you as our client is to protect you and what matters most to you. We at SecureTower®️ security services take this responsibility very seriously. As always we’ll go above and beyond to ensure that any of your specific needs are met.

Our Security guards and Patrol Officers will help:

Whatever your security concerns are, SecureTower® Guards and Patrol Services will work with you to create a customized solution that meets your building’s specific needs and achieve those goals.